

Each year, we receive more applications for certain grade levels than we have available spots. With that comes many questions about our wait pool and hope this information provides some clarity for you.

When an applicant completes the application process for a specific grade and the admissions committee considers them a strong candidate deserving of an offer, 但是我们没有座位了, 我们为他们提供了加入等候池的选择. 如果在下一学年的9月1日之前有一个名额空缺, 我们将从候补名单中录取一位候选人, 然后谁有5天的时间来接受.

如果有空位,我们会通知等候泳池家庭. 重要的是要注意,如果我们不能从等待池中录取, 欢迎学生在下一季重新申请, and we waive the application fee for those who remain in the wait pool and choose to apply for the following year.


*最后更新一月. 2024


The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 admission process is designed to determine which applicants will be most successful in our program—and that number is often much higher than the number of available spaces in a given class. We place a limited number of students to whom we are not able to offer admission but whom we believe would thrive at 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 in our wait pool. 如果一个空间相对于一个特定的等级变得可用, we will evaluate the students remaining in the wait pool and make an offer of admission based on factors described below.

谁在等候区? 有多少学生在里面? 有多少男孩?? 女孩?

我们不分享等待人数的具体数字, 但要知道,它可能不包括每一位合格的求职者. We want to be realistic about the number of openings that may become available after our initial offers of admission are sent and those families have made decisions regarding acceptance. 除了, 在夏季,一个特定年级的空间可能会可用, 通常是因为意外的家庭搬家, and we will turn to those students who have chosen to remain in our wait pool with an offer of admission at that time.


没有具体的排名, but we do take into account if the applicant has a sibling already enrolled at FA or also applying. 等待池由我们认为可以在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场取得澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的学生组成. 每个学生都有自己独特的一面. 每当出现空缺时, we consider the entire wait pool and which student would be the best complement to the class. 我们考虑人口统计数据(i.e. 性别、年龄相对于生日的班级分布等.),以及更主观的数据(学习风格,与特定班级动态的社会契合度等.).


我们将通过电子邮件和电话联系家长. 我们将要求你方表明你方是否有兴趣考虑一个可用的(或者是潜在的),但您将有5个工作日的时间来考虑您的决定.

我需要为我孩子的入学做一个计划. 你们什么时候会做出最后决定?

这是在等候区最难的部分. 座位最早可以在2月,最晚可以在8月中旬. We typically do not admit students after the first day of school but may possibly consider up to September 1. Our suggestion is that you consider alternate enrollment plans for your child and keep us informed. Your commitment to another school will not affect our decision to offer you an available spot. 然而, we will encourage and expect you to honor whatever contractual obligations you’ve made to other schools.


而注册活动可以在任何时候发生, June 1 is the date of our contractual obligation; a student can withdraw before that date without a withdrawal fee being assessed.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s retention is incredibly high—far above the national and regional averages. 然而,对于一所涵盖16个年级、超过1100名学生的学校(从PK3到12年级), it’s not uncommon for a family to move out of town unexpectedly or to accept a business transfer that is not planned and does not fall within our enrollment calendar. 当这种情况发生在八月开学之前, we will turn to those students who have chosen to remain in the wait pool with an offer of admission at that time.

Should we pay an enrollment deposit elsewhere even if 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is our first choice?

这将取决于每个家庭决定他们对什么感到满意. 你应该在学校里寻求第二选择吗, we suggest that you read Enrollment Contracts carefully and consider your financial obligations. Most schools will not refund a deposit but have a date by which you can withdraw without further penalty. And some schools also will require you to pay the full year’s tuition if you withdraw after a certain date.



Please forward any new report cards or test results that are received to the appropriate admissions office. 当我们去审核的时候等待候选者, 如果我们有最新的可用信息,这是很有帮助的. 春季成绩单、进度报告等. 总是可以添加到申请人文件吗.

如果你仍然感兴趣,请告诉我们. 如果你有其他计划,请告诉我们. 如果你有其他计划,但仍然感兴趣,请告诉我们. 我们喜欢保持联系!


在大多数情况下, we do not complete a full review of a family’s financial aid application until we are ready to offer admission. That means that a student in the wait pool who has applied for financial aid has not yet gone through a thorough financial aid committee review. Should a space become available and we intend to offer it to a student in the wait pool who has applied for financial aid, we will review the financial aid materials and provide award information with the offer of admission. 出于这个原因, we strongly suggest that you review the FACTS Family Report to see whether their analysis of your ability to pay is in line with yours.




只以最积极的方式. Placement in the wait pool indicates confidence on our part that a student can be successful at 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. It’s a reflection of our commitment to small class sizes and of our genuine interest in enrolling best-fit students, 包括你的孩子.

If I am not accepted out of the wait pool this year, is it appropriate for me to reapply next year?

We welcome all students who have been placed in our wait pool to reapply to 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 in the event we are not able to offer a space this year. In fact, for those that chose to remain in the wait pool, we will waive the application fee. 这并不一定意味着有更高的优先级, but you do get to do an application at the earliest opportunity for the next admissions season.

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准备好 之旅 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 has three incredible campuses to explore—all centered around quality Christian education. 从今天开始安排参观.

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想要 学习 更多关于FA的信息?

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,我们有很多东西可以分享. 今天要求更多的信息,以获得什么我们学校已经提供的全部范围.